Friday, February 28, 2014

Week 5- Great depth of field

In and around San Jose.

Map Painting

This was an interesting concept. We were told to convert a map into something different. I soaked it in water, then made paper out of it. I drew flowers on it. I also folded it into fan. Then I made people out of it. After all this I arranged it on the canvas. But the challenge now was to make it something meaningful. This turned out to be very difficult. In the end, I decided to do Yosemite. We used to go there almost every year.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 4 - fast shutter speed

The photographs had to be taken in daylight to accommodate the fast shutter speed.

Balloons on auto mall

Bird in flight


Week 3 - Blur

It was interesting to know that not all pictures need to be sharp and in focus. A blur can add a different dimension to the pictures.

Moving ball

dolphin mobile

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 2 - Composition

Rule of thirds
Leading Lines

Friday, February 7, 2014

Week 1

Finally I was able to take the photography class. It was being offered online at West Valley. I wanted to learn how to use my camera. First week was to just take some pictures. I took pictures in my backyard. My favorite was the quail picture.